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»Der Auf- und Ausbau langfristiger und innovativer Partnerschaften mit sozialem Mehrwert bleibt unser Fokus bei der TSG. GIPEDO bietet als Plattform eine ideale Ergänzung zur Vermarktung unseres TV-Bandeninventars. Dadurch können wir unterschiedliche Partnergruppen kennenlernen und über GIPEDO sogar neue Partner für die TSG gewinnen.«

Denni Strich, Geschäftsführer, TSG Hoffenheim

Denni Strich

Management Board

TSG 1899 Hoffenheim

»GIPEDO bricht die alten Strukturen der Vermarktung im Profisport auf. Jetzt können Marken die Plattform nutzen, um den Media-Mix ihrer Kampagnen mit TV-Bandenwerbung zu ergänzen. Die Preise sind transparent, der Prozess einfach und die Umsetzung schnell. Für mich ist dies ein wichtiger erster Schritt, um sicherzustellen, dass Sport für Werbetreibende attraktiv bleibt.«

Denni Strich, Geschäftsführer, TSG Hoffenheim

Axel Koppermann

Director Partnerships


»Unser Ziel ist es, paneuropäische und zielmarktorientierte Brands für den American Football zu begeistern. Mit GIPEDO haben wir die passende Plattform und einen direkten Zugang zu Marken, welche die wachsenden Reichweiten für ihre Kampagnen zielgerichtet nutzen wollen. Ein Mehrwert in der Etablierung einer neuen Sportart und Liga in Europa, vor allem in Deutschland.«

Denni Strich, Geschäftsführer, TSG Hoffenheim

Felix Dellert

Head of Product & Marketing

European League of Football

»GIPEDO breaks up the old structures of marketing in professional sports. Now brands can use the platform to enhance the media mix of their campaigns with TV perimeter advertising. Prices are transparent, the process is simple, and the implementation is quick.«

Denni Strich, Geschäftsführer, TSG Hoffenheim

Axel Koppermann

Director Partnerships


»The establishment and expansion of long-term and innovative partnerships with social added value remains our focus at TSG. GIPEDO as a platform offers an ideal addition to market our TV perimeter board inventory. This enables us to meet different partner groups and to even win new partners for TSG through GIPEDO.«

Denni Strich, Geschäftsführer, TSG Hoffenheim

Denni Strich

Management Board

TSG 1899 Hoffenheim

»Our goal is to inspire pan-European and market-oriented brands for American Football. With GIPEDO, we found a platform with direct access to brands that want to use our growing reach for their campaigns in a target-oriented way. An added value in the establishment of a new sport and league in Europe, especially in Germany.«

Denni Strich, Geschäftsführer, TSG Hoffenheim

Felix Dellert

Head of Product & Marketing

European League of Football

»Our goal is to inspire pan-European and market-oriented brands for American Football. With GIPEDO, we found a platform with direct access to brands that want to use our growing reach for their campaigns in a target-oriented way. An added value in the establishment of a new sport and league in Europe, especially in Germany.«

Felix Dellert, Head of Product & Marketing, ELF

Felix Dellert – Head of Product & Marketing – ELF

Felix Dellert
Head of Product, Marketing & Partnership Management


Manage your assets with ease on a platform your team will actually want to use. Letting you focus on your sales strategy and learning from real-time insights. Never miss an opportunity again.


GIPEDO Workspace Inventory Management for Perimeter Boards
GIPEDO Reporting

Our data-enabled technology platform to scale your advertising business. Our data-enabled technology platform to scale your advertising business. Our data-enabled technology platform to scale your advertising business.


Sounds simple? Sounds logical? It is! It's just a few clicks to maximise your sales. Click us >


Guided creative exchange

Automated Invoicing

Brand Safety approval

Publish deals on marketplace

Full control of prices

Standardized venue setup

Automated creative validation

Translation into media KPIs


Increase sales by accessing even more advertisers through the biggest group in advertising - media bookers. Publish deals with the DEAL MANAGER on our marketplace to truly supercharge sales.

Tech-Spec Validation

Version Control

Centralised Collaboration

In beta: playlist builder

Streamline your match day operations with our Workspace | Media. Collaborate effectively in one place with easily organised creatives, automated validation, playlist management.




Yield management

Real time insights

Deal Manager

In beta: playlist builder

Take control of your sales and scale your advertising business with Workspace | Sales. Through real time insights plan, operate, and reach your goals without missing an opportunity. Publish deals with the Deal Manager on our Marketplace.



In the fast-paced world of sports advertising, flexibility is key. Our platform is designed with this in mind, catering to the rapidly evolving landscape of the industry. With streamlined workflows that minimise operational effort, our platform empowers you to enter new markets and follow emerging trends.


Make the most out of this valuable asset. Perimeter board advertising reaches a massive global audience.


Become competitive by publishing deals on our marketplace to reach the biggest group in advertising - media bookers, truly supercharging sales. In just a few clicks start publishing now!


GIPEDO Workspace Sales for Perimeter Boards
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